Mrs. Sandusky
Sunday, Apr 12, 2020


Listen to Michael Jackson's Thriller.  Tell me if you like it or not and why and answer these 3 questions.

1. What are Michael Jackson't birth and death dates?

2. How old was he when he first started singing

3. What is his biggest selling album? 

email me your answers at



Listen to "rewrite the Stars" and  "A Million Dreams" from the Greatest Showman.  Then visit The Greatest Showman Reimagined.  Listen to the remakes of both songs.  "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur and Anne-Marie and "A Million Dreams" by Pink.  

Tell me whick one you like the best of each and why.  Email your answers to  Just for fun when you are bored, watch The Greatest Showman!


Be sure you are signed up on Remind on JH or HS choir.  

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