I am excited to get to meet you this year! Here is some important information for the beginning of school.
- Chromebooks are available for students in the 2nd grade. There is a chromebook contract to sign and a $20 annual usage fee. These must be signed and paid before they can receive their chromebook. They will not be activated until I've taught them how to log in.
Chromebooks are usually checked out on the same day as the Open House/Meet the Teacher.
We use Chromebooks regularly in class for NWEA testing, skill-based practice, and assessments.
- Meet the Teacher Day is Tues., Aug. 15th. Please schedule your time by using the Sign-up Genius link emailed to you. You will need to scroll down the page until you see my name on the left before you select a time. The appointments are 10 minutes long.
- The first day of school is Thurs., Aug. 15th.
- I will provide a snack for the first 2 days of school. Beginning Monday, Aug. 20th, please send a snack with your child each day. We do not have class snacks in 2nd grade.
Mrs. Doyle
P.S. You can contact me by email at jdoyle@vps.k12.ok.us or by phone at (918) 266-6333.
Educational Websites:
xtramath.org - practice math facts
abcya.com - various educational games
storylineonline.net - stars read stories aloud
Digital Math Manipulatives:
Math Manipulatives-The Techie Teacher
Math Manipulatives-Toy Theater
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