Mrs. Cagle

Welcome to Pre-K!


Essential Skills For Kindergarten Readiness

In order to be ready for Kindergarten, your child should be able to demonstrate the following ESSENTIAL skills:

ELA (English Language Arts)

  1. Write first name        
  2.  Letter names (upper and lower) and letter sounds
  3.  Write majority of letters
  4.  Rhyming 
  5.  Print concepts (book orientation, left to right, etc)


  1. Count 10 objects while touching each one
  2. Identify and write numbers 0-10
  3. Count out loud to 20
  4. Sorting
  5. Patterns- identify (ex. blue, red, blue, red), extend (ex. blue, red, blue, ___), and create 

Contact Information

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!  You can send a message on Class Dojo or email I am available during the week from 11:00-11:40 and after school until 3:30 to help in any way I can.  If you need help outside of those hours, please send me a message and I will respond as soon as possible!


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