Distance Learning Instructions for Language, History, Civics and Science
Students will need to login to their Google Classrooms. Their login is the same as they use to login to a computer at school. If they have forgotten, please send us an email letting us know and we can have it reset for them.
They can access their classroom through cell phones, tablets, computers, even gaming systems if they are connected to the internet.
Once logged in to their Google account, go to what I call the waffle (the 9 dot square on the top right corner). From there they can access Classroom if they are logged in to a school account. They HAVE to be logged in to a school account to access Classroom.
Once in Classroom, they will go to 8th Grade English. Click on it to enter. Once entered, at the very top click “Classwork”. They will always want to make sure they go to the “Classwork” tab and not “stream”.
One the left-hand side under topics, they will see a list with Mrs. Timmons, Mrs, Cegielski, Mrs. Knight and Mr. Nadal. They will click on EACH teacher’s name to find the assignments and instructions for that teacher.
We plan to post new material each Monday. Please have your child check their Google Classroom on a regular basis.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Mrs. Cegielsk: rcegieslki@vps.k12.ok.us
Mrs. Knight: cknight@vps.k12.ok.us
Mr. Nadal: cnadal@vps.k12.ok.us
Mrs. Timmons: atimmons@vps.k12.ok.us
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