Coach Houk

Hello! My name is Chris Houk and I teach Physical Education. 

If you do not have access to the internet during this time please contact me via email at,  or message me on Remind. I will work with any student who needs an alternative method of instruction during this time. 

Thank you all for your cooperation and patience. We are all in a new frontier of education. Please keep me updated with any questions or concerns you may have.

You will find the repeatable weekly activities below.

Stay healthy, stay safe!

Chris Houk



Run in place for 1 minute

20 Squats

10 Burpees

20 Jumping Jacks

Repeat Squat Exercises

20 Push-ups

Run in place for one minute

Stretch and relax

Ride your bike or go for a walk or run.


Run in place for 1 minute

50 Trunk Twists

30 second floor plank - 2 times

Run in place for 1 minute

Repeat AB exercises

Run in place for 1 minute

Jump Rope - 2 minutes (or jump in place if you don't have a rope)


Run in place for 1 minute

20 Squats

10 Burpees

20 Jumping Jacks

Repeat Squat Exercises

20 Push-ups

Run in place for one minute

Stretch and relax

Ride your bike, go for a walk or run.


Run in place for 1 minute

50 Trunk Twists

30 second floor plank - 2 times

Run in place for 1 minute

Repeat AB exercises

Run in place for 1 minute

Jump Rope - 2 minutes (or jump in place if you don't have a rope)

Friday - Combo

30 Jumping Jacks

20 Squats

30 Standing Trunk Twists

Run in place for 1 minute

20 Pushups

10 Burpees

60 second floor plank 

Run in place - 1 minute

Stretch and Relax



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