7:45- Doors open - Morning work
8:10- Morning announcements
8:15- Calendar Time
8:30-Morning Recess
11:10-Whole Group Instruction
11:45-brain break
11:55-science/social studies
1:00-Rest Time
2:00-pack up
2:15- Afternoon Recess
2:45-get ready for dismissal
3:05- dismissal
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns! You can send a message on Class Dojo or email kpayne@vps.k12.ok.us. I am available during the week from 9:05-9:55 and after school until 3:30 to help in any way I can. If you need help outside of those hours, please send me a message and I will respond as soon as possible!
In order to be ready for Kindergarten, your child should be able to demonstrate the following ESSENTIAL skills:
ELA (English Language Arts)
- Write first name
- Letter names (upper and lower) and letter sounds
- Write majority of letters
- Rhyming
- Print concepts (book orientation, left to right, etc)
- Count 10 objects while touching each one
- Identify and write numbers 0-10
- Count out loud to 20
- Sorting
- Patterns- identify (ex. blue, red, blue, red), extend (ex. blue, red, blue, ___), and create
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