Mrs. Lee’s Newsletter 5-10-21
Welcome to another week of 3rd grade! Only 9 days of school left!
Here are some upcoming events:
5-20-21 Last day of school!
5-20-21 May Day! There is a note on the back with details.
Here’s what we are doing in:
Math-exploring a clock, counting bills and change, and multiplication sentences. I will be giving a 2 minute timed multiplication test on Friday.
Spelling- Charlotte’s Web word list #3, time words. Test on Friday. Homework went home today and is due tomorrow.
Reading- We are finishing up Charlotte’s Web this week. Reading logs of 80 minutes are due on Monday. There are more students not doing their reading logs, than doing them. It is a Zero each week, if not done!
Language Arts- We are doing some handwriting. We are also finishing up Wilbur’s journal and that will be worth 150 points.
Thank you all for a wonderful school year! I have had a nice class and have enjoyed my students!
Mrs. Lee
Note on the back.
Parents needed for May Day 5-20-21
I need parents to help me man the 10 stations that will be provided for the LE students. Here is the schedule for the day....
Set up 8:15
8:50-10:20 2nd grade
10:25-11:55 1st grade
11:55-12:25 Lunch for volunteers
12:30-2 3rd grade
Clean up 2:-2:30 I need 4 men to help with the Jupiter Jumps.
volunteers cannot follow their child, they must stay at the station that is assigned to them. Forward me the list of parents that agree to volunteer and I will take care of the schedule for the day. I would prefer the parents stay as long as they can, not to just sign up when their child is attending May Day. The less rotation of parents the better. Parents can meet me at the ECDC at 8:15.
Thank you,
Lona Shew
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