High School
Mandatory Athletic Drug Testing
WRITTEN BY Sheri Simmons ON July 31, 2020

Mandatory drug testing for student-athletes will be Thursday morning, August 6th, 2020 in the Verdigris Activity Center  The cost is $20. Checks need to be made to "IC Labs" or bring cash.  Students will need a parent signed drug testing form. Parents must complete a drug testing consent form on RANK One or students may bring a parent-signed drug testing consent form with them.  Drug Testing Consent Form.  Please wear a mask and practice safe social distancing.


Volleyball - 9:00am

Softball - 9:30am

Cheer -10:00am

Girls Basketball - 10:30am

Girls Soccer - 11:00am

Band and all other girls sports - 11:30am


Football - 9:00am

Boys Basketball - 9:30am

Baseball- 10:00am

Boys Soccer - 10:30am

Band & all other boys sports - 11:00am


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