Welcome to the Verdigris Public Schools Yearbook Page!
There are limited extra copies of the 2023 2024 yearbook and they are available to purchase. The price is $55. Once we run out of the extra copies, we will not be able to get any more.
2024-2025 yearbooks are now available for purchase online and at school.
To order online, click here and follow the prompts. Order forms are available outside the JH and HS offices. The price will be $50 through Friday, February 21st. Starting Saturday, February 22nd, the price will increase to $55.
If paying with a check, please make it out to Verdigris Public Schools and fill out the check completely. We can't accept checks that do not have all sections filled in.
If paying with cash, please send the exact amount. We will not be able to make change.
2024-2025 elementary yearbooks are available for purchase online and at school. To order online, click here and follow the prompts. Each school has yearbook order forms available in the elementary offices. The price is $40 through Friday, February 21st. Starting Saturday, February 22nd, the price will increase to $45.
If you have not purchased a 2023-2024 elementary yearbook and want one, a very limited number of extra copies of the yearbook are available in the offices. Once we run out, we will not be able to get any additional copies. The price is $45.
If paying with a check, please make it out to Verdigris Public Schools and fill out the check completely. We can't accept checks that do not have all sections filled in.
If sending cash, please send the exact amount. We will not be able to make change.
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