Football homecoming will be Friday, October 5th.
Verdigris will host the Jay Bulldogs.
1:15 Parade Kick-Off
6:30 Coronation Ceremony
7:00 Football Game Kick-Off
Contact Mrs. Schneider at the High School to order your 2018 Homecoming T-Shirt.
Order and Payment are due by Noon, September 21,2018.
Verdigris Public Schools purchased several new buses this summer. Click here for the new bus numbers.
School Supply Lists are on each schools site - also below.
On Wednesday, August 1st, PSO will be performing electrical upgrades to the North Campus. This upgrade will have an impact on phone service for the entire District.
We apologize for the inconvenience while phones, fax, and internet is down.
Verdigris Technology Department
Mandatory drug testing for student athletes will be Thursday morning, August 2nd, 2018 for 11th & 12th grade at 10am and 9th & 10th grade at 11am in the HS Commons Area. The cost is $20. Students will need a parent signed drug testing form. Parents must complete a drug testing consent form on RANK One or students may bring a parent-signed drug testing consent form with them. Drug Testing Consent Form
Congratulations to the Verdigris Girls Soccer team!
Class 4A State Champions!
Congratulations to the Verdigris High School Jazz Band.
2018 - 4A State Jazz Band Champions
Verdigris High School Graduation will be Friday, May 18, 2018 at 7pm at the Union Multipurpose Activity Center (UMAC) located at 6836 South Mingo Rd. in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Baccalaureate will be at the Verdigris Assembly of God Church at 3pm on Sunday, May 6th.
The last day of school, for students, is now scheduled to be May 25th.
The District Calendar was revised Wednesday, April 18th by the Verdigris Board of Education. This revision addressed how Verdigris Schools would make up days missed up through April,18th.
This revision can be found here.