Welcome to Mrs. Green's class! I am so excited to meet you all! Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9th from 9AM-4PM, by appointment only. Parents, please check your email for a message from me that contains a link to my appointment page to book your spot to meet with me and see the classroom. Please print and complete the 2022-23 Chromebook Contract, and you may bring it with your payment to Open House.
Chromebook Contract- CLICK HERE
Contact Information:
Email: sgreen@vps.k12.ok.us
School Phone Number: 918-266-6333
Plan Period: 11:55AM- 12:45PM
To login to Google Classroom, go to google.com, sign in using the following format for student emails: firstnamelastname@stu.vps.k12.ok.us. Their password is the same password they login to their computer/Chromebook at school with.
Here are some helpful links to sites we will access during the school year.
Here is a link to google. https://www.google.com/gmail/about/
Here is the link to connect students to Readworks: https://www.readworks.org/
Here is the link to connect students to IXL: https://www.ixl.com/signin
Here is the link to connect students to Xtramath: https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
Here is the link to connect students to the Social Studies site: http://www.yourchildlearns.com/mappuzzle/us-states-capitals-regions.html
Epic Books online. https://www.getepic.com/ Class Code: eja2216
Dream Scape Please click here to play dreamscape. This site helps you with literacy
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