Jim Anderson
Early Childhood
Development Center
8237 E 540 Rd,
Claremore, OK 74019
Phone 918-266-3807, ext 2
Fax 918-266-3905
Shauna Myers, ECDC Principal
All Day PreK, Kindergarten, & T-1
8:10 AM - 3:10 PM
*Doors Open at 7:45 AM*
PreK Lunch:
Kindergarten & T-1 Lunch:
After school we have set procedures in place for the safety of our children.
ECDC Pick Up Route
ALL students who do not ride the bus MUST be picked up through the loop. Every student will be given 2 car tags to use in the car pick up line. If you have multiple students and do not need the extra tags, please turn them back into the office and we will use them for any new students that come throughout the year.
If you have an ECDC student and an older student, you must go through the ECDC loop on the right side (Lane 2) and then get into one of the 2 elementary lanes. The right lane is for Lower and Upper Elementary and left is for Upper Elementary only. If you have a Lower Elementary student, you must be in the right lane. The left side of the ECDC loop (Lane 1) is for parents of only ECDC students and you will exit the loop by crossing 540 Rd and go through the parking lot across from the ECDC.
Remember to NEVER stop in a cross walk or leave your car unattended. This holds up traffic and slows down the pick up process.
Welcome to the Early Childhood Development Center!
The first day of school is Thursday, August 15, 2024, for all students! You are welcome to walk your students to the front doors on the first day of school but no one will be allowed to walk inside the building or down the halls. Students will receive a colored wristband at Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, 8/13, that helps us quickly identify which class they go to and we can help get them there.
I know it may seem difficult to not walk your student all the way to their classroom on their first days of school, especially at such a young age, but we have done this for a few years now and it really has gone well for everyone.
When you enrolled your student for the first time you should have created an Infinite Campus parent portal account. It is super important that you login to this account frequently and keep this account active. It will deactivate after so many days of inactivity. If for some reason you have not signed up for a parent portal account on Infinite Campus, please do so. This is the main way the district communicates important information to you. From this account you can do many things like see and make deposits to your child's cafeteria account balance and other fees, see grades, and other important district communications. Please make sure you keep your contact information up to date!
If you ever have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to contact me.
918-266-3807, ext 2
It's a great day to be a Cardinal!
On Thursday, 8/8, in the Elementary Cafeteria, the ECDC had a Parent Information Night. We went over basic procedural information about the ECDC including drop off and pick up procedures and breakfast and lunch account information. If you were unable to attend Parent Information Night, we missed you! Click here to download the slide show of the information we went over. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Cardinal Creed
Verdigris Cardinals love to learn!
I listen and I take my turn.
I show respect and use kind words;
I raise my hand to be heard.
I do not touch or push or shove.
Being a friend is what I love.
Go Cardinals!
Each month ECDC students are recognized for positive character traits such as integrity, compassion, and dedication. One student from each class that embodies these characteristics is selected by their teacher to be on our Cardinal Character Crew. The Character Crew gets special privileges like recognition at our monthly assembly, helping with daily announcements over the intercom, a pizza party with the principal, and their pictures are displayed in our foyer for everyone to see! We love getting to recognize these students!
Students also have the opportunity to be recognized for their positive character traits through Positive Office Referrals. Students receiving these referrals will get a shout out over the intercom from Mrs. Myers during announcements and a prize from the office.
Infinite Campus is our new district wide Student Information System at Verdigris Public Schools. Regardless if your student is in PreK or 12th grade, this is your go to place as a parent! Here you will receive communication from the district, your site principals, and your teacher. You can check grades and even lunch balances. This is an important tool that you will want to get connected with.
To log in to the IC Parent Portal please go to:
Please Note: For first time login information, you will need to contact your building site principal.
Verdigris ECDC 2024
Site Teacher of the Year
Ashley Hanchett
POE 2023 State Finalists
Kathy Cox Elementary Education Merit Award
Leslie Black & Ashley Hanchett
At the core of the Oklahoma School Report Cards is the belief that all students can grow and all schools can improve. While no student report card tells the full story of a child, no school report card tells the full story of a school. Education is far more than a single score or letter grade, but it is important that families and communities can see both strengths and areas that need support and improvement. Please access our previous year's school report card at the following link: https://oklaschools.com/school/255/
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