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Hello Parents and Students!
I hope you and your family are adjusting to these most unusual circumstances. Mr. Jackson and I are caring for two of our grandchildren, including their school work, while we are adapting to working from home.
I have posted assignments for the remainder of the school year. All assignments are review lessons. Each lesson has an explanation and/or example. There are numerous videos and homework help websites, but no computer access is necessary. Students should not use a calculator for any of these assignments.
I know some of you are simply trying to cope with all this change, but some of you may wish to take advantage of this time to move your student ahead in math during this Spring/Summer. I will be sending out information soon about an online course for your student. This will be completely voluntary, with no grades attached. You and your child will be able to see where your student is currently in math. You can also easily track progress. I hope you choose to take advantage of this program. More info coming soon!
As always, parents and students are welcome to email or use Remind to call or text any time.
Thanks for your cooperation. Be safe.
Mrs. Jackson