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I sure am missing you and hope this email finds you happy and healthy. This period in your life is a period that you will never forget. But, rest assured, there are smart SCIENTISTS working around the clock to help our world.  (I told you science is important!!� )
Parents, please email me back letting me know your child's name and if you have the ability to do assignments off the internet or not. This will help to know the number of paper packets that will be needed. 
The assignments that I will share will be information we would have covered at the end of the year. There are a couple of labs you can do with household materials, crosswords, word searches and passages with questions to answer. In a future email I will let you know where to find these assignments and how to turn them in to me. These assignments are meant to learn some new science and to enjoy. DO NOT STRESS about these assignments!!!!!!
Again, I miss you all and wish you the best of health!! If you need ANYTHING please email me and I will do my best to help you.
Coach Gray

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